About Piano Cleveland

Duo Amal Kicks Off 2014 Concert Series

January 24th 2014
Concert Series
Bishara Haroni and Yaron Kohlberg
Bishara Haroni and Yaron Kohlberg

CIPC is proud to present Duo Amal, comprised of Yaron Kohlberg and Bishara Haroni, in a cross-cultural concert with a message of worldwide peace.  It is the first performance of the 2014 Concert Series.

Mr. Kohlberg, an Israeli, and Mr. Haroni, a Palestinian, have been close friends since they met as teenagers in Jerusulem.  Using their friendship as a symbol for how people of all nationalities and religions can come together in harmony, they perform together under the name “Amal,” the Arabic word for “hope.”

“We believe that through communication one can overcome any personal problem or national boundary,” Mr. Kohlberg said, speaking for the duo.  “This is something that we found out while working together throughout the past three years and something that we would like to pass on in Cleveland.”

Protégés of Maestro Zubin Mehta, Mr. Haroni and Mr. Kohlberg are world-class pianists who have performed individually and together in prominent venues in the U.S., Australia, Europe, the U.K., China, Japan, and Korea. They joined forces as a duo for a peace concert at the Oslo Opera House in 2011, and the concert’s tremendous success resulted in a permanent partnership.

Duo Amal will perform on Saturday, February 22, 2014, 8:00 pm in the Reinberger Chamber Hall at Severance Hall.  Tickets are $25 and $35 and can be purchased by calling the Severance Hall box office at 216-231-1111.

To purchase tickets or subscriptions for the 2014 Concert Series – which includes 2013 First Prize Winner Stanislav Khristenko, the 2013 Competition Medalists with Apollo’s Fire, and the incomparable Angela Hewitt.

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