About Piano Cleveland

A Concert Tour de Force

June 03rd 2014
Concert Series
Apollos Fire
Apollo’s Fire: Stanislav Khristenko, Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev, François Dumont, and Jiayan Sun

What if we said you could see all four medalists from the 2013 Competition in one spectacular concert?  And that Apollo’s Fire would be part of the program?  Interested?  Read on!

Stanislav Khristenko, Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev, François Dumont, and Jiayan Sun, who last stood together in Severance Hall almost a year ago, will return to Cleveland for one remarkable performance on Saturday, August 23, 4:00 pm in Gartner Auditorium at the Cleveland Museum of Art.  It is the third concert of the CIPC 2014 Concert Series.

The medalists will play duo piano, piano four-hand, and piano eight-hand works, giving the audience a completely new perspective on their enormous talents and vast repertoire. The program also will include Bach two-piano concerti with Cleveland’s popular Apollo’s Fire Baroque Orchestra.  Jeannette Sorrell will conduct for this concert, a first for the CIPC.

“Stanislav and Jiayan live in Washington D.C. and New York, respectively, Arseny is coming from Russia, and François is coming from France, just for this concert,” said CIPC President and CEO Pierre van der Westhuizen.  “We are thrilled that they were all available and willing to come to Cleveland to perform together for this special event.” When Apollo’s Fire agreed to participate it was “like having all of the stars align,” he added with a smile.  “Sometimes things just fall into place.”

The concert will be preceded by an Artists’ Talk, where all four pianists will discuss the unique challenge and enjoyment of performing piano four-hand and duo piano works, as well as some of their activities since the Competition last summer.  Dr. van der Westhuizen will lead the discussion, which is free to all concert ticket holders.

The evening’s artistry will be celebrated with Crescendo, a benefit to support the CIPC, which includes the concert, a cocktail reception, and dinner in the Ames Family Atrium of the Cleveland Museum of Art.  Ticket prices for Crescendorange from $175 per individual guest to $2,000 for a table of eight.  Please contact D’Arcy Kovach at 216-707-5397 orinfo@pianocleveland.org to request an invitation.

2013 Medalists and Apollo’s Fire
Saturday, August 23 | 4:00 pm
Gartner Auditorium | Cleveland Museum of Art
$25 and $35
Call 216-707-5397 to purchase or click to purchase online


Concerto for Two Pianos in C Major, BWV 1061
Stanislav Khristenko and Jiayan Sun

Concerto for Two Pianos in C Minor, BWV 1060
Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev and François Dumont


Allegro con spirito from Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448
François Dumont and Jiayan Sun

Scaramouche: Suite for Two Pianos, Op. 165b
François Dumont and Jiayan Sun

Suite No. 1 for Two Pianos, Op. 5
Stanislav Khristenko and Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev

Galop-Marche for One Piano, Eight Hands
Stanislav Khristenko, Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolaev, François Dumont, and Jiayan Sun

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