About Piano Cleveland

A Perfect Summer Evening!

July 24th 2014
Community Connections

barbershopRelive the sounds of American Barbershop as performed by delightful, seasoned professionals at Perfect Harmony, CIPC’s third PianoPalooza of the year.  This special event, hosted by Janet and Paul Havener, is an absolute must for anyone who loves the nostalgic sound of barbershop music, an a cappella style characterized by precise harmonies and ringing chords.

In addition to the amazing performance, guests will enjoy cocktails and hearty hors d’oeuvres in the Havener’s beautiful Auburn Lakes home in Chagrin Falls.  The fun begins at 7:00 pm on Saturday, July 19.  Tickets are $70 each and are available online or by phone at 216-707-5397.  Be sure to order quickly – seating is limited to 60 guests.

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