About Piano Cleveland

Alexander Schimpf Carries the Day

March 26th 2013
Alexander Schimpf
Alexander Schimpf with hosts David Franklin and Antonia Reiner-Franklin following his performance.

Alexander Schimpf performed to a sell-out audience on Sunday, March 10 at the home of David Franklin and Antonia Reiner-Franklin.  The concert, part of  CIPC’s “PianoPalooza” series, was hosted by the Franklins and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Sr.

Fifty guests enjoyed an eclectic program that ranged from the Classical (Mozart and Beethoven) to the contemporary (Feldman) to the jazzy (Kapustin) – all combining to showcase the wide-ranging skills of our extraordinary 2011 first prize winner.

The next opportunity to hear Alexander perform will be at the opening ceremony of the 2013 Competition, where he will kick things off with a performance of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 13 with CityMusic Cleveland.  Joel Smirnoff, president of the Cleveland Institute of Music, will conduct.  Mark your calendar now – July 30, 2013 – for this can’t-miss event.  Tickets and more details will be available soon.


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