About Piano Cleveland

Bravo Piano Returns!

March 01st 2016

butterfly-cipc-newsletterMark your calendar now for the social event of the year! Bravo Piano, the spectacular black tie gala held at Severance Hall on the final night of the competition, will be back again – this year honoring the John P. Murphy Foundation and the Kulas Foundation, which have provided generous support for CIPC since it was founded in 1975. Join us for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, dinner, performances by two competition finalists with The Cleveland Orchestra, and the announcement of the 2016 Mixon First Prize winner!  It all starts at 5:00 pm on Saturday, August 6.

Please contact Justine Endress, Director of Special Events and Stewardship, at 216-707-5397 for more information.

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