About Piano Cleveland

Upcoming Events: PianoPaloozas

February 05th 2013

Piano Paloozas

Piano Portraits

Alexander Schimpf will perform for a small group of fortunate individuals at the home of David Franklin, Director of the Cleveland Museum of Art, and Antonia Reiner-Franklin on Sunday, March 10 at 3:00 pm.  The event, which is sponsored by Mrs. Clara Rankin, is nearly sold out.  Call the CIPC office at 216-707-5397 for details.


Welcome spring with an afternoon getaway featuring a performance by renowned jazz pianist Marshall Griffith in the beautiful Beachwood home of CIPC board member Zeda Blau.  Guests will be treated to wine and hors d’oeuvres prior to the performance, a delicious supper afterward, and Mr. Griffith’s lively commentary throughout.  Don’t miss this evening sure to be filled with spontaneity and fun.

Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 5:00 pm
$75 per guest; 40 guest limit

PianoPaloozas are a great way to make new friends, enjoy good music, and relax over a nice glass of wine and a fine meal.  All proceeds benefit the 2013 Competition.  To purchase tickets by phone, please call the CIPC office at 216-707-5397.

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