About Piano Cleveland

Young Pianists to Return in 2018

April 10th 2017
Young Artists

CIPC for Young Artists, the competition that in 2015 brought us amazing young pianists such as Yuanfan Yang, Leonid Nediak, and Jae Hong Park, will return again next year with a new group of remarkable young artists.

The event will be held May 30 through June 9, 2018 in Cleveland’s University Circle arts district.  Twenty pianists in two age groups will be invited to participate following a rigorous, worldwide preliminary screening round: ten in the junior division (ages 12 to 14) and ten in the senior division (ages 15 to 17).  Eligibility is determined by age as of June 9, 2018.

Once in Cleveland, all contestants will perform before audiences and a professional jury.  The jury will hear all contestants in two solo rounds, then vote as follows: advance six contestants from each division to the solo semi-final round; advance three contestants from each division to the final concerto round, where each pianist will perform with the Canton Symphony Orchestra; rank all finalists and award first, second, and third prizes in each division.

An institute will be held concurrently with the competition, during which time the young pianists will receive master classes and coaching from members of the jury and guest lecturers.  The institute also will feature guest artist recitals and symposia.

Applications are now being accepted and must be submitted by November 1.  There is a late deadline of November 15 with an added fee.  More HERE.

Photo: Yuanfan Yang, First Prize Winner in the Senior Division, 2015 CIPC for Young Artists.

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